I would rather struggle hours with a complicated algorithm or a piece of code than sit here typing stuff for other people to read.
But this is not "Hello World" anymore. Time to step up my gamedev thanks to LiamTwose.com with his #30daydev. Writing a blog each and everyday is very intimidating to me. I don't want spend what little time I have to work on my game, on non game development stuff. So I was very excited to see Liam start a challenge for an once a week blog for the next 52 weeks.
I am very lucky to have a wife with a good stable full time job and so I don't have to work full time. But I am also a full time father and do odd jobs like websites and tech support for people for that extra little cash to buy stuff from the unity assets store and some steam games.
Currently I am busy with my first serious game called Delta Quadrant, which is a Sci-fi Rogue-like. Being a huge Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica and the sci-fi list goes on fan. I decided to create a turn based game which is loot and skill point driven.
I first started playing around with XNA and then ADK (Android Development Kit + Eclipse). Then about 3 years ago I read about Unity 3d. Did some tutorials and I instantly fell in love with it.
I am not sure how long I should do this first entry, I can babble on about my history, Delta Quandrant, Unity3d or my painful experience with the Google Play Store + Merchant Account and living in South Africa. Will do that next week then.
Maybe show a screenshot of my current WORK IN PROGRESS with DQ:
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